Tap the Well of Opportunity with Innovative Filling Solutions

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Is your health and wellness brand on trend and on point?

With 82% of U.S. consumers citing wellness as a high priority1, you’ve got a great shot at creating a new product that takes off in the marketplace. If you get a little help from a co-packaging expert to propel your product development process forward, that is.

Let’s explore how an experienced package filling and co-packing partner can empower your trendsetting wellness brand and help you capitalize on this exciting moment in the industry.

Strong Appetite for Products Advancing Healthy Lifestyles

From TikTok to YouTube to the kitchen table, consumers are talking about strengthening their mental, physical and emotional health.

Buzz is building around:

  • Healthy Aging2 – Elevating energy, easing joint pain, improving brain health, increasing stamina are among the reasons 70 percent of U.S. consumers have bought more in this category this year.
  • Weight Management1 – The quest to lose weight and keep it off never goes out of style, with 60 percent of U.S. consumers reporting they’re trying to lose weight.
  • Gut Health1 – More people are concerned about digestion and its impact on overall health. Over 80% of U.S. consumers consider gut health important; one-third said they wish there were more gut health products in the market.
  • Hydration3 – Americans’ obsession with staying hydrated for health is only growing stronger. The market has grown by triple digits in recent years.
  • Better Sleep4 – The connection between sleep quality and health is clearer than ever, and 91 percent of adults don’t feel well rested.

Want to tap into these trends?

Whether you’re looking to disrupt the market with an updated formulation or a whole new product, you’ll need a strong, trustworthy supply chain throughout the product development and launch process. You’ll also need to move quickly. WePackItAll, for example, has helped propel start-ups, early-stage disruptors and established, national brands for decades.

Count on Us for Technical Expertise.

In addition to creating filling and co-packaging solutions, we can connect you with proven partners in ingredients, packaging and other key areas.

Proven Quality to Back up Clean-Ingredient Claims

Labels touting clean and natural ingredients are everywhere. How can your brand stand out?

Health-conscious consumers are increasingly savvy. They’re more swayed by science and data. Upholding product quality – and proving it – is essential.

The first step is following guidelines set in place by national and international regulatory bodies to guarantee product health and safety. Work with suppliers that adhere to stringent national and international quality and safety standards including:

  • NSF and NSF Certified for Sport – Food and supplement safety
  • ASQ – American Society for Quality
  • SQF – Global food safety and quality certification
  • GMP – Good Manufacturing Practices
  • Organic Certifiers or Quality Assurance International Organic

When people see certifications like these on your product’s label, they’re more confident your product is for real.

Convenient Packaging Materials and Designs

Smaller portion sizes for calorie counters. Multi- and variety-pack cartons for savvy shoppers and those seeking holistic solutions5.

These evolving consumer preferences are driving new packaging shapes and styles. Packaging innovation is the key to keeping up.

However, every innovation requires adaptation. Equipment changes. New capabilities and processes. Without a versatile co-packaging partner, these changes can be too costly to take on.

WePackItAll has the broad, flexible capabilities you need to seize a competitive advantage:

NSF GMP Certified

Our location in a health and wellness industry manufacturing and transportation hub can help you move as fast as consumer tastes – with lead times of days, not weeks.

Don’t Forget Sustainability – or the Challenges That Come with It

The environment continues to weigh on consumers’ minds – with 61% agreeing environmental issues are harming their health6.

Incorporating sustainable alternatives can make your product part of the solution. But only if you succeed in implementing these complex materials.

WePackItAll is experienced in optimizing filling solutions for sustainable packaging materials, such as post-consumer recycled content, compostable films and other material innovations. We know how to fill these packaging types with speed and precision. So you can protect your profitability, while helping consumers protect the environment.

With the Right Partner, It’s Your Brand’s Time to Shine

No question, the door is open for health and wellness brands to grow by catering to what’s new and what’s next for consumers. But, you don’t need to take on the challenge alone.

Work with a co-packaging expert like WePackItAll to optimize your filling processes and minimize production interruptions. With 50 years of co-packaging expertise, our team creates innovative filling solutions that protect product quality, grow your reputation and drive consumer satisfaction.

We have answers for your filling and co-packaging questions. Get in touch.

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